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Releases: wallabag/wallabag

2.5.4 - 2023-02-07

07 Feb 21:20
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⚠️ This is a security release of wallabag.

To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!

We added a limitation on adding tags from the entry page : only 4 tags at a time and a max length of 40 characters.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.5.3...2.5.4

2.5.3 - 2023-02-01

01 Feb 09:16
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⚠️ This is a security release of wallabag.

To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!

What's Changed

Security fixes


Full Changelog: 2.5.2...2.5.3

2.5.2 - 2022-10-21

21 Oct 11:54
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Here is the latest release of wallabag.

To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!

What's Changed


  • Automatically create the package after a release by @j0k3r in #5851
  • Add .gitattributes, exclude tests from archive by @iamvar in #5910
  • Allow auto merging of Dependabot JS minor or patch by @j0k3r in #6003
  • Fix random failing tests by @j0k3r in #6013

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.5.1...2.5.2

2.5.1 - 2022-06-09

09 Jun 07:31
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Here is the latest release of wallabag.

To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!

What's Changed


Full Changelog: 2.5.0...2.5.1

2.5.0 - 2022-03-21

21 May 19:16
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Here is the latest release of wallabag.
What changed?

⚠️ Important note:

  • we dropped support for PHP < 7.4.
  • the 2.6.0 release should drop PHP < 8.0.
  • the baggy theme has been deprecated and will be removed in 2.6.0 (global theming will be removed and only the material theme will remain).

💅 New features were shipped in that release:

  • Delicious import (if you still have credentials for your account, just go
  • webp image can now be downloaded locally (when caching images is enabled)
  • You can now list entries with annotations
  • You can now add a tag to a search results
  • A new API endpoint was added to retrieve the user configuration
  • The Docker image from within that repo has been rebuild. You MUST NOT use that one for production, only for dev purpose. For production, check

📈 To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!


Deprecated features


Technical stuff



2.4.3 - 2022-02-14

14 Feb 16:00
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Here is the latest release of wallabag.
What changed?

It's a maintenance release, no big changes inside that release. It's mostly to catch up after almost a year without one release.

  • Site-configs were almost a year behind (17 versions behind exactly).
  • A lot of JS package were totally outdated (yes jQuery is still outdated...).
  • Also wallabag is now compatible with PHP 8.0 & 8.1 !

To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!




New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.4.2...2.4.3

2.4.2 - 2021-03-16

16 Mar 11:03
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Here is the latest release of wallabag.
What changed?

  • A lot of bugs related to the dark theme were fixed
  • A year old bug about the auto tagging system which created duplicated tags
  • A lot of translations update, thanks to translators !
  • The link to calculate the reading speed was updated because the previous was dead, you can now use:
  • 60+ siteconfig were updated

To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!


  • Fix nav lang filter #4908
  • Fix accessibility problem with the 2FA QR code #4915
  • Preselect currently active section in the filter menu #4972
  • Fix translation of date in the footer using IntlDateFormatter #4971
  • Update dark theme #4921
  • Dark theme updated #4983
  • Fix account dropdown width #4969
  • Fix auto prefered color scheme #5071
  • Convert tag label to lowercase in RuleBasedTagger #5111
  • Fix myreadspeed links #5113
  • Internal server error while exporting to epub #5052
  • Error parsing image URL (with scrset) #4914

2.4.1 - 2021-01-05

05 Jan 13:59
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Happy new year everyone 🎉

For that first release of that (hopefully) better year than 2020, we have fixed some bugs.

We've also added a new command to clean downloaded images (for those who have enabled download images locally). You can try it to see how much spaces it'll free:

php bin/console wallabag:clean-downloaded-images --env=prod --dry-run

To update your instance, just run make update.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!


  • Fix path icons from manifest.json #4811
  • Fix missing apple-touch-icon-512.png from manifest.json #4823
  • migrations: fix mysql migration for an edge case #4832
  • Add a command to clean downloaded images #4844
  • Add a query to parse only non-hashed URL #4865 #4878
  • material: fix issue with cookie check for light/dark theme #4866
  • Show OTP secret next to the QR Code #4868
  • views: add title to tag li elements, for consistency #4894
  • Add label and issuer to OTP config #4301


  • Update release process and introduce 2.4.1-dev #4808
  • Remove from the issue template #4817
  • Update issue templates #4843
  • Allow GitHub Actions to run on 2.* branches #4896
  • Prepare 2.4.1 #4904

2.4.0 - 2020-12-10

10 Dec 13:58
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🎉 The long awaited 2.4.0 is finally here 🌟

There's a ton of new features (you can check the full changelog if you want to see them all). We'll only highlight main ones here.

🤝 A little reminder that you can support our work on wallabag by sponsoring us on Liberapay or subscribe on Thanks!

New features

  • Allow to rename tags from the web interface #3574,
  • Possibility to change locale from login/register pages #3216,
  • Ability to import/export tagging rules #4028,
  • Enable OTP 2FA via third-party apps (Google Authenticator, Authy or FreeOTP) #3798,
  • Add random feature #3526,
  • Ability to revoke feed token #3994,
  • Move Ignore Origin rules to database #4026,
  • Ability to manually define the reading speed #4053,
  • MathJax support #4128,
  • Allow custom styles system wide #4151,
  • Support elCurator import #4175,
  • Add mass actions for Material design in list view #4326,
  • Add Dark theme to Material #4725

As a side note, the baggy theme is now deprecated and will be removed in 2.5.0. 👋

Technical changes

Support for PHP 7.4

The 2.3.8 lacked support for PHP 7.4 but, hey, that wallabag 2.3.8 was released in May 2019 and PHP 7.4 first alpha goes out in June 2019.
Maybe we should have release 2.3.9 with PHP 7.4 support but there was too much stuff in the master and lack of motivation to only keep commits which enabled support.
I hope we'll be more reactive for PHP 8.0 :)

Dropped support for PHP < 7.2

PRs #3758 #4441

We removed support for PHP < 7.2 because lower version aren't supported by PHP itself.
First we remove support for PHP < 7.1 back in Novembre 2018 #3758 and then support for PHP < 7.2 in June 2020.

Some people will arg that we should keep the lowest version possible because some folks are maintaining outdated version of PHP but we need to move on.
Also, security support for PHP 7.2 will end in November 2020 but we think it's too fast for most people. Also Symfony still required PHP >=7.2.5 for the current master (the upcoming 5.2.0).

Translations in Weblate

PRs #4447 #4359 #4442

The whole application is now connected to the Weblate platform which allow anyone to contribute to the translation without having to use Git at all.
There are multiple sources in Weblate for the wallabag project because the iOS & Android app are also using it.

The application is now fully translated in 10 languages! 🇫🇷 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 🇰🇷 🇯🇵 🇳🇱 🇷🇺 🇹🇷 🇩🇪 🇪🇸
It's amazing.
✏️ Feel free to improve translations.

Hashed URLs for faster check

PR #3158

People using the API to save contents often have to check if the URL already exists in the database. Using the plain URL to check wasn't fast enough and it can lead to privacy leak (see #4361 (comment)).
That's why there is now a hash of the URL for each entry. Don't forget to run the command php bin/console --env=prod wallabag:generate-hashed-urls after upgrading to 2.4.0.

URLs are hashed using sha1.

Add basic search endpoint

PR #3627

The API now expose a basic search endpoint. We declare it as basic because it's a simple search in the database (like the one in the web interface). No robust search engine were involved in that change.

How to upgrade

  • perform a backup of the database (just in case)
  • run make update from your wallabag directoy
  • run php bin/console --env=prod wallabag:generate-hashed-urls which will generates a hash of URL for all saved entries (improve API search+++)

You might be interested in this information too:

  • you can safely remove database_driver_class from the app/config/parameters.yml file
  • install imagick PHP extension if you want GIF animation to be kept when saving images locally
  • you can now use Sentry to log errors from wallabag, just define sentry_dsn in app/config/parameters.yml

2.3.8 - 2019-05-14

14 May 10:47
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This might be the last release of the 2.3 branch as we'll be focus on the 2.4.0 release now.
We think it's time to release it asap!

Main changes

  • Add ability to match many domains for credentials #3937
  • Enable no-referrer on img tags, enable strict-origin-when-cross-origin by default #3943
  • Fix Intl Locale issue #3964

Other fixes

  • Jump to 2.3.8-dev #3897
  • material: fix left padding on non-entry pages #3901
  • Make dev/install/update script posix compatible #3860
  • epub: fix exception when articles have the same title #3908
  • Fix PHP warning #3909
  • material: add metadata to list view #3942
  • Remove preview picture from share view page #3922